IOSR Journals: Predatory, Bogus, Junk, Mock Publisher

The genuine and original list of FAKE PUBLISHERS and FAKE JOURNALS

IOSR Journals: Predatory, Bogus, Junk, Mock Publisher
IOSR fake and bogus activities:

We have just added in our black list IOSR Journals: Predatory, Bogus, Junk, Mock Publisher
To publish in these ridiculous journals of IOSR, you must pay a fee:

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Avoid any connection with this hoax, scam, deception of IOSR. Do not include any possible publication of IOSR in your CV, because you will destroy your academic evolution. IOSR is also falsification and imitation of the well-known and reputable IOS Press. Be far from IOSR and any related IOSR scholarly activity.

                   IOSR publications are junk, fake, bogus. Interrupt any relation with IOSR and put it in your black list.